What is the timeframe for a Bergen County divorce?

At the start of considering divorce, you will have to determine which option will be best for you and your spouse. There are so many different varieties of divorce and some of them vary the length of time for which it will take to finalize the process. Some methods of divorce take longer than others. For example, litigated divorces that take place in court may take a few weeks or even months longer than a mediated divorce would. This is because you are relying on a court to stick to a time frame, which can easily be pushed back for a long time. A lot of divorces that use alternative dispute resolution rely on the divorcing couple to sit down and make decisions regarding their future. Many of the decisions that they are required to make can be highly emotional, such as matters of child custody.

One of the beneficial things about getting divorced in Bergen County is that it will likely take less time to finalize the process than it can other places. Several years ago, the state judicial jury set up a goal that all divorces should take place within 12 months. Unfortunately, that isn’t true in most counties. However, in Bergen County, we do, in fact, strive and do complete most divorces within 12 months. Of course, there are exceptions, but that is the goal.

An attorney can work towards making the process run as smoothly as possible and getting the divorce started. If you have questions regarding the divorce process in Bergen County, you should set up a consultation with an experienced divorce and family law attorney within the county.

The Radol Law Firm is proud to serve the people of New Jersey in their divorce and family law, elder law, estate planning, and bankruptcy matters. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.