How Will the Duration of my Marriage Affect my Divorce’s Outcome?

Divorce is complicated, and no matter who you are, you most likely want the process to simply end as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as when spouses cannot agree on the terms of their divorce, they will very often enter litigation. Litigation is oftentimes a long, drawn-out process, which is why couples seek to avoid it through alternative methods of divorce, like mediation.

When a divorce enters the litigation process, both spouse’s assets are subjected to equitable distribution, which is seldom a 50/50 split of assets. Instead, the courts will determine what they believe is the fairest division of your assets.

Of course, when courts make this decision, they consider several different factors first. For example, New Jersey courts will primarily consider each spouse’s financial means. They will want to know how much each spouse makes yearly, as well as you and your spouse’s age and health, the number of children you have living in your household, your child custody terms, and more. However, one of the most significant aspects of equitable distribution is the duration of your marriage. To learn more about how the length of your marriage will affect the outcome of your divorce, read on and speak with our experienced attorneys. Here are some of the questions you may have:

Does the length of my marriage decide who keeps the house?

The length of your marriage may play a big role in deciding who will keep your house. Generally, financially dependent spouses in long-term marriages will be awarded more of the marital property than the financially independent spouse, which may include the house. The goal of the courts is to ensure both spouses can enjoy a quality of life similar to that while they were still together. However, if you are a spouse who believes your former spouse is wrongly being given the house, you can hire an experienced attorney who will fight for your needs.

Can alimony be affected by the length of my marriage?

As a dependent spouse, the longer you were with your spouse, generally, the longer your alimony payment structure will continue. Dependent spouses in shorter marriages, however, will generally have a shorter period of alimony payments, especially if both spouses were working during the marriage.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

Before taking legal action, it is important to discuss your legal situation with an experienced attorney. Divorce means a significant change in your life, which is why you need a knowledgeable and compassionate attorney who can help make the transition go as smoothly and seamlessly as possible. If you need a knowledgeable attorney, please do not hesitate to contact The Radol Law Firm to discuss any divorce and family law matters you may be facing.