Bergen County Child Custody Attorney
Serving NJ Clients Facing Contested Child Custody Cases
The complexity of divorce is compounded when children are involved. Unfortunately, when a couple needs to end a marriage, children witness a major shift in the family dynamic. One of the hardest concepts for both parents and children to endure is the time split between houses. This change can be overwhelming for the family. When once a parent and child would see each other every day, now they must see each parent separately, splitting their time each week. The opinion of who deserves more time with the child often leads to contested court cases. It is important to note that both parents have equal rights no matter who spent more time with the child throughout a normal week. When facing a contested child custody case, it is important to understand your rights and have legal guidance to help you navigate these troubled waters. If you need effective legal representation, contact The Radol Law Firm for a consultation.
Legal Custody
Legal custody is the right for a parent or parents to make the important decisions in a child’s life. Legal custody can be shared or, under overwhelming circumstances, awarded to one parent. In a joint legal custody arrangement, both parents can make decisions for the child. This can include decisions regarding schooling, medical care, religion, and much more. Sole legal custody gives one parent the authority to make decisions without input from the other parent. Sole custody is a rarity and is saved when a court deems a parent unfit to be a guardian. This can be for several reasons. It is important for a parent to retain legal custody as the loss would majorly impact the familial relationship.
Physical Custody
Physical custody determines where a child spends more of his or her time per week between homes. Though some couples can cooperate to the point of a shared physical custody arrangement, this often is not the case. When a couple goes to court, one party will often be awarded physical custody, making them the primary caregiver. This could have a major impact on the future of the other parent. Especially with regards to the possibility of relocation, who is chosen as the primary caregiver can be critical.
Meeting The Evaluator
Children and divorce; the very words together create an emotional impact on all involved. As a divorcing parent, you, of course, want to be awarded custody, but it is important to step back and look at the big picture. One basic consideration an attorney will emphasize is the manner in which the case evaluator assigned by the court will be making his or her decision. Understanding this process and preparing your presentation accordingly can go a long way in achieving a positive result in your case. More
Child Custody Evaluations
Child custody is one of the most serious factors in a divorce. Parties often disagree with who deserves to be awarded physical custody and become the primary caregiver. When a couple cannot come to terms outside of court through mediation, the issue of child custody can become an emotionally-driven contested issue that must be addressed in a court case. When the state hears a divorce case based on child custody, they will always act in the best interests of the child. More
Contact The Radol Law Firm
Child custody is a complicated matter. Some couples may be able to resolve the issue outside of court. When a couple cannot set aside their differences and come to an agreement, a court may have to decide on the case. When this occurs, it is important to have the legal support of an effective attorney. If you face a contested case based on child custody, contact The Radol Law Firm for a consultation.