When you are going through a divorce and you have children, you will need to come up with a child custody plan. The parenting plan or child custody plan is generally the most contested matter in a divorce because no one wants to go from seeing their child every day to seeing them every other week. This process can be very emotional for parents and children alike. You may have to meet with a child custody evaluator that will help the court decide which parent is better fit to have more custody time.
During the evaluation, it is important that you don’t sit there and constantly bash your spouse in an attempt to be granted the greater custody arrangement. The evaluator will know some of the parent’s behavioral issues if there is a criminal record or proof of substance abuse issues. Of course, you can express your concerns to the evaluator but be sure not to be too dramatic about it because they might think you are simply trying to cause problems and that won’t look good for you. You should at least acknowledge that you want your child to have a relationship with the other parent. The evaluator’s decision is always going to be regarding what they think, after all of their observations, would be in the best interest of the child.
If you need assistance with a child custody matter, contact an experienced family law attorney today.
The Radol Law Firm is proud to serve the people of New Jersey in their divorce and family law, elder law, estate planning, and bankruptcy matters. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.